For DECADES there have been 2 cornerstones to good health. DIET and EXERCISE. In recent years, another cornerstone has begun to gain ground and research is showing that there is now a third cornerstone: SLEEP!! Sleep has MAJOR effects on cardiovascular health, chances of obesity and diabetes and emotional issues like anxiety and depression.

If you have problems sleeping, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There are 60 million people in this country that are being treated for sleep disorders. Here are some tips to try so that you can try to improve your sleep patterns and your overall health in years to come. I have sleep apnea and was urged to be evaluated and treated by my husband, family, and friends. Thanks to them, I now use a CPAP when I sleep and experience greater quality sleep and less anxiety as a result. If you are having ANY difficulty with your sleep, try some (or ALL) of these tips to see if your sleep improves!!!

Lower the temperature

Temperature in the bedroom should ideally be at 65-72 degrees.  You can have blankets on to keep you as warm under the covers as you need to be, but air temperature matters when it comes to a good night’s sleep

Stop exposure to blue light before bed

DECREASE YOUR SCREEN TIME!!!  You can set iPhones to “Night Shift” under the Settings->Display & Brightness.  Change the Night Shift to 1 hour before your bedtime.  You can even control how “warm” the colors are before bed.  Bad news though: Your TV in your room is giving off blue light as well and can be contributing to your poor sleep if you are falling asleep with it on.

Have the same bedtime and stick to it to improve sleep rhythm

Bedtimes aren’t just for kids anymore!! It seems like something that your mom would say, but going to bed at the same time each night helps to improve Circadian Rhythm which will, over time, improve the depth of your sleep cycle to the ever-evasive REM cycle

Decrease extra light in the room from electronics, etc

Like I mentioned above, you have to turn off the TV and try reading or listening to a podcast.  If you must use a device before bed, use one that will change the background lighting to decrease the stimulation to your brain before sleep.  Turn bright clocks around or cover them.  Turn off your Spongebob nightlight. Transform your bedroom into a sleep cave.  That means that no work, strenuous exercise, or email before bed.  Just sleeping and…ahem…you know.

Take a warm shower or bath

Warm showers or baths open the blood vessels next to the skin which naturally lowers blood pressure and decreases muscle tension because everything is getting warmer.  Both of these factors allow the body to enter into total relaxation


Try using aromatherapy to improve your ability to relax.  Lavender is widely used to help with relaxation as is cedarwood and bergamot.  There have been some studies that show that people relax more and have greater quality of sleep with use of these oils. 

Stretch or do yoga

I know I said no exercise above, but yoga is the only exception.  Yoga lengthens and stretches the muscles while it enhances blood flow.  This can have an overall relaxation effect on the body.  Kundalini, Hatha, Yin, and Restorative Yoga would be the best choices right before bed.


Meditation is a wonderful challenge, and if done right can help to center you, decrease anxiety, and improve breathing before bed.  If you have no idea how to meditate, try finding an app.  There are tons of them.  You can also always take a class in meditation.  I did and LOVED it!! It can be challenging to shut off your brain and focus soley on your breathing, but it has been shown to lower stress and blood pressure.

Pay attention to the timing of your last sip of caffeine

Stop drinking caffeine after you are done working if not sooner.  I realize that some people need that last pick me up around 3 pm, but past 5 pm, you are really only impairing the body’s ability to find calm and decrease anxiety. 

Melatonin if it is ok with your doctor

If you talk to your doctor about your sleep problems, he/she may suggest that you start taking melatonin to aid in sleep.  DON’T EVER take anything unless you talk to your doctor though because even vitamins and herbs can affect the potency of many medications and COULD have an affect on the ones your doctor is already prescribing.  There could also be Lopressor in your med list that could cause your blood pressure to drop too low when combined with melatonin.

Be properly hydrated

Drink water throughout the day unless you are under a water restriction of some sort.  This is because you will lose fluids by sleeping due to breathing and sweating.  Just know that you should drink during the day and not too close to bedtime because it can affect your sleep by creating the need to use the bathroom at night.

Don’t drink alcohol

Going along with staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol when trying to sleep better at night is crucial to your sleep success.  Passing out from alcohol is not the same as getting a good night’s sleep.  Alcohol blocks REM sleep, relaxes the muscles of your throat which make it harder to breathe correctly, and can lead to extra trips to the bathroom.

Don’t eat too close to bedtime

The opposite of that nice bath mentioned above is a meal before bed.  Why? All the blood is going to go to your stomach instead of to your muscles and extremities to stimulate relaxation. 

Read a book

No blue light here!! Try reading a book to help with putting you to sleep.  An old fashioned one that has pages is best.  If you must use a kindle or your phone, please check the blue light settings!!!

Drink herbal tea

Chamomile tea can be helpful in your night time ritual.  They can cause relaxation of all the muscles in the body and has a tranquilizing and sleep-inducing effect. I use Sleepy time tea if I am having difficulty with sleep or relaxation and it is very effective!!


If you or someone you love is having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, give one or ALL of these strategies a try!! For a better understanding of other aspects of sleep hygiene, check out my article titled How to Improve Sleep Hygiene.  Poor sleep habits can be affecting your health in more ways than you might think!! Do you have a sleep strategy or tip? If so, comment below!! I would love to hear them!